
Who Am I?

Mental health advocate, author, and presenter Craig Marchant has firsthand experience living with mental illness, having been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. By sharing his story in his book, Conquer Your Inner Demons and through keynote presentations, Craig aims to inspire others to manage their mental health.

He believes in stepping out of one’s comfort zone and has found strength in overcoming physical challenges like completing the Inca Trail. Craig focuses on various mental health topics, such as parenting, self-discovery, and practical support for those with mental illness.

In addition to his advocacy work, he runs his own technology business.

Craig, a husband and father of five, enjoys spending his free time engaging in various hobbies and continues to work on understanding himself and his mind.

Like to find out more about me? You can visit my About Me page.

Craig Marchant Headshot

Conquer Your Inner Demons

The Ultimate Guide to Better Mental Health

The figures are alarming.

Mental illness affects more and more people every year. It affects those who are rich and famous, those who are struggling to make ends meet, and everyone in between. It does not discriminate.

It can last just a few months or your entire life.

As a person who has suffered from depression, anxiety, and schizoaffective disorder for the majority of his life, Craig Marchant invites you along on his life journey to experience for yourself the ups and downs of living with mental illness.

Laugh with Craig as he shares some of his humorous antics, possibly shed a tear at some of his sadder moments and enjoy the sheer exhilaration of Craig’s recount of completing the Inca Trail.

This must-read book is not only the story of one man’s life journey, but also has a practical section where Craig shares what he believes are the most critical elements when confronted with a mental illness.

These steps will help you navigate the world of mental illness, with the hope that can find a way out of the darkness.

Be under no illusion; the road to recovery is often long and perilous. This book shows you can do this, and no matter how hard it gets, those of us who have undertaken our journey before you – are always with you and have your back.

Conquer Your Inner Demons and take back what is rightfully yours; Your Life!

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Book Testimonials

This book, as the author mentions at the start, is a revealing look into his individual journey with mental health. It is divided into two parts. The first part details his life experiences. It starts with his childhood where he grew up in a semi-rural, small town in New South Wales, Australia. We follow him as he navigates adolescence and the turning point from which he believes his issues started, and then even into a very successful career. And all of this whilst dealing with his decline into a psychotic and non-psychotic world of loneliness, and fear. The second part of the book is a first-hand, constructive, and valuable manual on how living life with a mental illness can be managed.

I loved the raw honesty that the author put into this book. The account of his pivotal Inca Trail trip especially resonated with me, having done it myself. That he was able to accomplish the goals he set, and not only realise his life needed re-examining, but that he had the courage to act on the insights he gained and change everything, is truly admirable.

This is by no means an easy read, but instead exactly what it needs to be; a truthful and extremely helpful look into a world that people seem to shy away from. We need to talk about it. The author manages to evoke a vast array of feelings in the reader, which is a rare gift. Overall, I highly recommend reading this.

Casey Colahan

I have had the pleasure of reading Craig Marchant’s book Conquer Your Inner Demons – The Ultimate Guide to Better Mental Health not just once but twice since I got it. As a sufferer of High Anxiety and many health problems, I found many gems of information throughout this book. Although I have had a very different childhood, our health issues in our adulthood are very similar. The worst thing about Mental Health is the stigma (I have found) in trying to talk to friends and family about my reasons for acting or not acting a certain way to which is “The Norm”. My path to overcoming and accepting my own mind was through spirituality. This book gave me an insight into things I never knew or would have considered as another way to address our uniqueness. Craig has written this book so well that I could relate to what was being said even though my formal education was very average. It is a book for everyone who wishes to enhance and embrace their path in this world. I highly recommend this book for you and your friends and family because we all need to be Guided to Better Mental Health. Thank you again, Craig, for an awesome and honest book.

Cynthia Hill

Mental illness is always an underrated and neglected issue. Undiagnosed health problems often lead us to catastrophic aftereffects let alone mental health issues. ‘Conquer Your Inner Demons’ is an attempt to bring light into this less explored problems. Since we are going through a global pandemic that had its clutches on every corner of our life, this guide has far more meaning than it appears.

Mental health has been a very difficult challenge in this post-COVID era, and I found this book a helpful guide in this matter. The author has narrated his journey from undiagnosed mental illness to getting it under control at the end. The book is divided into two parts. The first section is the personal narrative of the author’s life and the second part is all about diagnosing mental illness, busting myths, breaking stigma, and giving much-needed confidence to the survivors. This second part is written in a way that speaks directly to your mind. Every chapter in this section addresses popular misconceptions, insights from the author’s experience, and an action plan to manage various issues. The author even talked about his symptoms and experiences with schizoaffective disease. This needs a lot of courage and a genuine intention to help others who are suffering in similar situations.

His voice is unadulterated, and this pure honesty made me stick to this book from beginning to end. He genuinely wants to bring a change in this world by helping people. By shedding light on this crucial matter, he has overcome all his inner demons and let the world know how he done it.

Ignorance is the biggest enemy we have to handle. Through the right knowledge and proper self-education, we can handle our demons very easily. This is a proper guide to that path. Loved this book to the core.

Amina Thajudeen

Conquer Your Inner Demons is a well-written journey that Craig takes the reader on to share his experiences and help others navigate the difficulties of mental illness and recovery. Craig is not a mental health professional, but the advice and anecdotes that he provides are worth their weight in gold. It was wonderful to read such an affirming account that is both uplifting and realistic. The author offers many tips for naturally improving mental health and approaching a medical route to wellness, including seeking therapy or medication backed up by science and personal experience. The book dispels rumours about mental health and illnesses, particularly relating to male mental illness which is often overlooked. Overall, Conquering Your Inner Demons is a very inspiring book and I highly recommend it for those struggling with mental illness and also for those who know someone struggling.

Aimee Heroux
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